The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Frustration Train

After the Mets rose up in indignation to snatch a win away from the Cardinals, I said it was the kind of unlikely comeback that would keep me on my couch for umpteen nights when no such good fortune was coming out way.

Nights like Monday, in other words.

How many things do you want to stew […]

I May Not Be Tall Enough to Ride This Ride

The first week of baseball is nearly always the same: a season’s emotional journey in miniature form, with the only difference what order the necessary components get assembled in this time.

So, for the 2022 Mets it’s been:

Convinced the stars have aligned and your team will go 162-0.
The first galling loss of the season that leaves […]

Sentence Pronounced, Execution Imminent

The Wilpons let Zack Wheeler walk as a free agent after the 2019 season, with zero negotiations and one knife in the back from Brodie Van Wagenen, who said that the Mets had helped Wheeler “parlay two good half-seasons over the last five into $118 million” with the Phillies.

That was the Wilpons in their red […]

A Capricious Game

The Reds’ Joey Votto said something wonderful Saturday night, after just missing his bid for a record-tying home run in his eighth straight game. Here’s Votto on his streak, how it began, and how it ended:

I’m a bit of a StatCast nerd and it started with a .090 expected batting average home run on a […]

The Shadow of the Past

I was uneasy about Wednesday night, as if the shadow of the past was reaching out for the Mets. It started with news that Jed Lowrie is alive and well and back in Oakland, perfectly ambulatory and hitting home runs now that his knee has been surgically repaired. It turns out, in whatever the opposite […]

Until That Happened

Friday was, thoroughly unexpectedly, one of the better days in recent Mets history. The Mets beat the Yankees twice in one day, coming from behind both times, and Steve Cohen was left as the last man standing in the competition to purchase of the team, despite repeated Wilpon hissy fits thrown in an effort to […]

Motherly Advice

Well, Mama told me there’d be days like these.

My mother also knows baseball and has a head for business. So she told me some other things too.

For example, she told me that days like these are a lot more likely if you’ve got cheapjack owners who can’t or won’t pay to put the best product […]

A Very Busy Day in Metstown

I’ll give the Mets this much: They do keep you interested.

I started Sunday in the park with Emily and Joshua, securing visors and nice tickets in section 101, another one of those sections that didn’t exist at Shea and so are irresistible to me. The best thing about our seats? This time, they were in […]

At Least We Lead the League in Something

Let’s be clear about one thing after a day where clarity was sadly lacking: Zack Wheeler was wonderful.

Wheeler’s blossoming is one of the unalloyed positives to come out of this weirdly bitter Mets season: Wheeler seems to have shaken off injuries and rust and youth to become the top-flight starter we’d imagined since he arrived. […]

Appreciating the Little Things

In a lost season, you appreciate the little things. Sometimes because they might grow into big things, and sometimes just for themselves.

You appreciate two-out singles by Phillip Evans (yet another victim of the Great Jose Reyes Fiasco) and Amed Rosario to tie the game and then give the Mets a two-run lead.

You appreciate that the […]