The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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In Which Tylor Megill Saves My Life, Maybe

By the time Saturday afternoon rolled around our 2024 beach vacation was at an end: house cleaned, last Long Beach Island breakfast consumed, farewells said, and car filled for the trip back to Brooklyn, the heat wave we’d been happy to miss, and normal life.

Heading up the Garden State Parkway, your correspondent was frankly weary. […]

Summer Hours

“Solstice schmolstice,” they might say in the bleachers at Wrigley Field, where the exact position of the sun doesn’t matter as long as it’s out somewhere. They have their new tradition of building a cup snake that wends all the way to Lake Michigan, perhaps Michigan itself, and they have their old tradition of throwing […]

Damn Good Days

Here’s a list of what I did Thursday during our week of vacation on Long Beach Island:

bike ride
hot dogs/beer
more beach
tuna steaks/prosecco
ice cream
end of a ballgame

That’s a pretty damn good day, one I felt absurdly lucky to get to enjoy. The ballgame was the last couple of innings of the Giants and the Cardinals at Birmingham’s […]

Mets Unplugged

After five days of electric baseball, the Mets once again look like someone pulled the plug out of the wall.

At least — and those are never good words to see up high in a recap — this time they didn’t look flat enough to slip under a door, the way they did in the opener […]

Let’s Go Methodical

3 out of 4
2 out of 3
2 out of 3
3 out of 4
2 out of 3
2 out of 3
2 out of 3

My muscle memory still works. I still remember, even from the lofty heights of first place, how to be disgusted with my team as if it hasn’t been living in first place practically every […]

You Never Forget Your First Loathe

As a Met fan of a certain age, few things are as simple and satisfying as beating the Cubs by a healthy margin in a summer game at Wrigley Field.

I have nothing against Chicago — hell, I was just there and had a grand time. I love Wrigley Field’s essential simplicity, which still shines through […]

As Bob Murphy Might’ve Called It

It isn’t a beautiful night at normally beautiful Wrigley Field, as the Mets have fallen further behind the Chicago Cubs, and now manager Luis Rojas comes out of the dugout to have a word with home plate umpire Bruce Dreckman, apparently ready to make a change to his lineup. After conferring with Dreckman, Luis walks […]

Thinking Can Only Hurt the Ballclub

I love J.D. Davis, from his weirdo back-construction nickname (“Jonathan Gregory Davis” doesn’t obviously suggest “J.D. Davis,” but “Jonathan Davis” plus a little repetition does) and his shrill heckling to his postgame manic episodes and general air of just being tickled to play baseball. But a thinking J.D. Davis is his own worst enemy.

I’ll paint […]

The Year of the Squirrel

Jeff McNeil went 8-for-8 on Friday afternoon at Wrigley Field with two cycles and a sacrifice fly. In the field, he had six assists apiece from left, right, third and second, and recorded the final out of the game by bursting through the protective netting in front of the seats near first base to make […]

Days Gone Down

Pending makeup dates instigated by rain, an atmospheric condition that seems to follow the Mets all about the continent, Wednesday brought us the final weekday afternoon game of the season. Yes, we’re actually at that point of the schedule when lasts are taking their final at-bats. Last […]